Monday, August 13, 2012

Putting Pinterest Finds to the Test!

For those of you who don't know--I have semi-longish hair compared to most people.  For those of you with children--you know as well as I do that one of the many glories of pregnancy, for all its faults, is the fact your hair doesn't shed!  I, unfortunately for this aspect, am no longer pregnant.  Because of this, we're not six months out, and I have a clogged drain due to it.  Good ol' Pinterest led me to the following:

Just Us Girls: DIY: Drain Cleaner/Declogger

Supposedly all you have to do is the following (for those of you too lazy to click the link, let's face it, sometimes I am too):

1/4 Cup of Baking Soda
1/2 Cup of Vinegar (Double bonus if you have the cleaning grade Vinegar, who even knew THAT existed?!)

Pour your Baking Soda into whatever the thing that needs unclogging may be (in this case, my tub).
Pour in the Vinegar.
Let sit for 10-15 Minutes (is what I'm going to do)
Pour hot water down the sink

Well folks, tomorrow I'll let you know how THAT experiment went... And I'll be doing another experiment. As soon as I find empty freaking spray bottles! LOL!

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